Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year from

Today is the last day of 2009! I was happy to hear that taxi cabs in Hartford are FREE tonight! So there is absolutely no excuse for driving drunk tonight if you are out and about.

Me, I have decided to stay in where it's all warm and toasty and I don't have to pay for drinks (times are tough!). A few friends are coming over and I am hoping we won't be bothering our downstairs neighbors too much...but then again they can't get too angry - It's New Year's Eve!

Whatever you have planned for this New Year's eve, make sure it's extra special. Not only does tomorrow start a new decade, but tonight is also the first Blue Moon is 20 years - special special! :)

On behalf of everyone here at, we wish you a very Happy New Years - here's to you guys! Cheers :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas is Coming - Decorate your Beer Tree!

I came across this funny post while on Twitter and thought it was too awesome NOT to share! It is a collection of Christmas trees made out of beer cans, bottles, etc! Some of them are pretty cool...and I am sure they will look awesome in any college dorm or party house :)

Here's my favorite one:

Beer Christmas Tree

You can get those fun Beer-Shaped lights at".

Also, while perusing the "Muff Slap" website (hahah!!!), I came across this amazing feature: Ask a Hot Chick. It's a forum for guys to ask a Hot Chick there deepest darkest questions about females :) Some of the questions and answers are hilarious! Check them out!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Our Favorite Winter-Time Beers and Beverages

Since it is chilly out now, there's nothing better than snuggling up by a fire with a sweet winter beer. Here's some great beers reviewed by us at - enjoy!

Maendy's favorite wintertime beer hands down is Hooker Nor'Easter Lager.
Nor'Easter Lager

In my opinion it tastes like a spicy gingerbread cookie mixed with vanilla cake :) Drinking it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and it definitely reminds me of winter. It's also not super thick, so you can drink more than one pint of it without feeling full. It is, in my opinion, the best tasting winter-time beer I have ever tried. But then again, I am a big fan of the Hooker Brewery, so I am biased!

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Jason says, "If I want a beer, I'll order a Samuel Adams. Not only does it taste good, but it's brewed in Boston. I've always loved the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. Boston people also talk funny and it makes me laugh. Sam Adams is a wicked good beaaahhh! If you drink anything else, you're just retahded!"
Sam Adams Beer

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Pete's favorite beer is Westvleteren 12. Although, because it is very hard (and expensive) to obtain, I will choose Rochefort 10 as my favorite beer for the winter. Both are Trappist ales (made by monks in Belgium) and have over 10% alcohol to keep me warm during the holidays.
Westvleteren 12

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Colleen says Sam Adams Winter is her favorite beer. She says, "Its so tasty I look forward to it all year!" Colleen also says Spiked Vanilla Egg Nog or Apple Cider are so festive too…and are sure to warm you up!
Egg Nog

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Tony loves Rogue XS Imperial India Pale Ale.
A SUPER Beer! And an excellent choice for winter! I enjoy the hop bitterness and FULL ON aroma. A bit much to drink from its 750ml ceramic bottle, a chilled or even room temp glass will suffice! I find that the closer the glass is to room temp, the indulgence that is this very bold flavor is intensified to hedonistic proportions. Goes well with most meat entree's, particularly beef or pork (especially with a pulled pork sandwhich).
Rogue XS Imperial IPA

Tony is also a fan of the Hot Toddy: Any hot or mulled cider with a splash of Makers Mark or any fine whiskey!
Hot Toddy

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Lisa says, "I wait all year for Harpoon Winter Warmer. A dark copper ale with just the right blend of spices. Very smooth! A trip to Harpoon Brewery in Vermont or Boston is worth the trip to get this beer fresh!"
Harpoon Winter Warmer

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Chris says, "Hot Chocolate + Baileys Mint Chocolate = Yumm"
Adding Liquor to my seasonal obsession with hot chocolate has been kind of a winter tradition for the past couple of years. It started off when one of my friends gave me a bottle of pepper mint liquor for Christmas. I got the grand idea to add some to my hot chocolate and let me tell you it was like a small cup of paradise.
Bailey's Mint Chocolate

Chris says, "This year I set out to replenish my supply pepper mint goodness when I stumbled across Baileys Mint Chocolate. I had no idea that Baileys came in different flavors! I quickly pick up a bottle of both the Mint Chocolate and Caramel. Though both are absolutely amazing the Mint Chocolate was my favorite. I enjoy a small cup before I go to bed (Not every night). It warms you up from the inside out and you will melt once your body hit the sheets. So if you’re not a fan of cold winter nights and the holiday rush give it a try. I guarantee it will make the winter season much more enjoyable."

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Tracy's favorite beer is Rohrbach’s own Vanilla Porter! She claims it's the best beer in Rochester, NY and gets you all nice and Toasty on those cold nights…
Vanilla Porter

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Steve M. says, "Beer sucks, but I remember kind of liking Pete’s Wicked Winter Brew. I don’t even know if they make it anymore though because I’m old and obsolete. =)"
Pete's Wicked Winter Brew

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Holidays are Coming at

Holidays are always an excuse to party excessively! At we are gearing up for the holidays with a TON of great items that will make your parties unforgettable this year!

To start, we have a great discount code for ya! It is supposed to be only for our Twitter followers, but I will let you in on the secret! Take 15% off your next order at Just enter coupon code TWEET10 at checkout to receive the discount!

Now, onto the new items that will help make your parties off the hook...

Don't know how to mix drinks? Pick up one of our helpful ingredients books!
The Ultimate Little Shooters Book

The Ultimate Little Shooter Book is the perfect book for any bar, party or event. With more than 1,000 shot recipes from America's favorite restaurants and bars, you'll find the most enticing recipes ever.

We also carry books that teach you to make great Martinis, Cocktails, Frozen Drinks, and a book that contains 1000 Different Bartender Recipes. These books will definitely help you at least get your drink-making skills down to impress your guests!

When it comes to decorations, these will make your bar look AMAZING for the holidays. Check out the Bongzilla:

Bongzilla is the ultimate party favor! This fun multi-person beer bong funnel stands on a sturdy 6ft tall pole and has 6 tube funnels, making it easy for you and 5 friends to simultaneously chug beer! The pole is adjustable for easy filling and for shorter chuggers, and . each tube has a valve for on/off control.

Another great decoration is Budweiser LED Cans. They are kinda of like Christmas lights...if Santa were drunk!
Budweiser Beer Can LED Lights

They also come in bottles as well!

For glassware, we have your normal, every day glasses, as well as our newest glass that will help get any celebration going, the Giant 2ft Tall Champagne Glass:
Giant 2ft Tall Champagne Glass

Making a toast just has a better impact when everyone has one of these in the air!

Finally, Drinking Games are a great way to keep your guests happy during the holidays :) Our newest game, Roulette with Shots is a new take on Roulette that involves shots!
Roulette with shots

Finally - cater to your two favorite guilty pleasures at once: Drinking and Gambling! This super fun game comes with 2 steel balls, 6 shot glasses, a roulette spinning wheel, and a tray to hold the roulette wheel and glasses. Happy rolling!

If you need more ideas for ways you can make your holiday parties a smash, check out our Winter Break section on

Happy Holidays!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Jingle Jugs 'Ain't Got Nothing on Me!

Ok, I am a little offended at this product, but I'll admit I cannot look away! These were on the wall at the bar in Willimantic I went to last night. They are called "Jingle Jugs." And they are pretty self explanatory. Although, I would like to say that my own jugs are still way more exciting than this pair :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Pistol Torch Lighter!

Ok, if you hang out at bars a lot (like me), you know how many times a night you get asked if you have a lighter. I get asked about 4x a night and I don't even smoke! But this lighter looks like it is super fun to just carry around to freak out drunk people at bars :)

The next time some guy asks me for a light, I am gonna pull out this Automatic Pistol Torch Lighter
Gun Lighter

Check out this funny video I found, which spawned my want for this lighter! Although if you do this to someone you don't know, it might not end up being this hilarious!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oh geez, Halloween is on Saturday!

I am a little disturbed none of my friends have parties planned for the actual DAY of halloween. Isn't that odd? I got all these facebook invites for parties on Friday night, but none on Saturday! C'mon people - let's do something!

What are you guys up to on Halloween?

Oh, I just noticed this new item - the Machine Gun Pint Glass It looks so COOL! It is the size and shape of a real Machine Gun, but holds a pint of liquid! Try chugging out of that haha!

You can get one here.
Machine Gun Pint Glass

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One Week Until Halloween!

Ok, this weekend I bought my Halloween Costume...and it was the cutest Halloween costume ever, until I saw this one:

Sexy Pirate Bunny Costume

Now I am bummed! It is so cute and I want it, but I already spent a little more than $50 on the one I got, and I still need to buy a hot pair of shoes to go with I can't afford to get this one too. BOOO!!! Oh well, I guess I will deal with it. And no, I am not letting the cat out of the bag, you'll just have to wait and see what my costume is :)

Oh, last night my friend Kim and I were kind of bummed because she wanted to go to the bar last night and meet this guy she fell head over heels with this past Saturday, but we didn't have enough cash (damn you, economy) to sit and get drinks. Well, I am sure SHE would have gotten her drinks free because of the guy...but I didn't have enough cash. So luckily I had some Disposable Flasks on hand, and some leftover raspberry vodka! We filled 'em up and headed to the bar where we sneakily ordered cranberry juices while we waited for her guy (who never showed, by the way!!! WTF!?). Well, we had a good, cheap time regardless.

Lemme tell ya, if you don't have a lot of cash, but still want to party, disposable flasks are the answer! Ya just fill 'em up, sneak 'em to the bar in your purse, and turn any beverage into an alcoholic one! When you're done, you just throw the flask away. Yeah yeah, maybe that is bad for the environment, but it saves you money on expensive bar drinks!

Disposable Flasks

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Hooker Brewery is Having a Costume Party...But I Can't Go

I am so bummed! The Hooker Brewery (my fave!!!) is having a special Halloween open house this Friday & I can't go because I don't have a costume yet! I am so bummed. Anyone have any ideas for a quick costume I can throw together? It has to be cute & sexy, of course...and it has to make me WIN!

Monday, October 12, 2009

This Weekend I Celebrated A Bit Too Much

One of my best girlfriends got married over the weekend - she is only 22 - Oh so young!!! But it was a TON of fun and I got a little too tipsy. (of course). Well, let's just say the wedding was on Saturday afternoon, and I have been "out of it" until about 5pm last night. Well, at least I was feeling better in time to watch the newest episodes of the Simpsons and Family Guy - love those shows!

Anyways, it is back to work today, but tonight is Monday night football - you can catch me at Sports Rock tonight! See you there!

Congrats to Steve and Jen - I had a blast at your wedding! Enjoy your honeymoon in Amsterdam :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Trying to Pick a Hot Halloween Costume...

Ok, Halloween is coming very soon, and I have been trying to find the best costume. Last year I was an Eskimo and I had the cutest little costume ever, but this year I want to be something more bad ass than that. So far, I am going bar hopping in Hartford with my friends, but a few people have told me about some pretty crazy house parties that are going on. I was thinking this year, I should lay down the law and be a sexy cop this year for Halloween. This is my favorite police officer costume so far:

Sexy House Arrest Police Halloween Costume from

This costume is from and I love it because it is a two piece, so I can show off my abs I have been working on all summer, and I love that it looks good with fishnets, one of my favorite accessories! The little tie is cute too! Maybe I will arrest some hot guys at the party! Hahaha...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Favorite Invention: The Beer Hat!

Let me start off by posting my most favorite invention, and the reason I started this blog: The Beer Hat! These hats are so awesome because you can drink two beers simultaneously and still have your hands free to do other holding a baby! Hahah, just kidding.

You can get your own Beer Hat in many assorted colors (my favorite is the camouflaged one...and it will be until they start selling a pink one!) from my favorite online store:

Drinking Helmets from